Sleepy in London

I'm killing a couple of hours at Heathrow (for 3£ for 30 minutes) before I board a bus to Birmingham.
They say you learn one new thing at day. I've already learned mine for the day -- SLEEP WHEN THE CABIN CREW TURN OUT THE LIGHTS!!! But what can I say? It was nighty night at 7:00 p.m.! So I read and then watched a movie. I thought it was a brilliant idea to catch 2 hours of sleep before we landed. But - after 40 mins of twisting and turning and finally settling in the BA crew turned on the lights and served breakfast!!!
Note to self . . . when BA turns out the lights on the way down to Uganda - GO TO SLEEP!
My luggage was nicely awaiting me - so no Pastor Laura experiences!
I've also already had a laugh at myself -- I looked the wrong way when crossing the street. (-:
Most of you buy now ought to have the CPAR blog address but if not here it is again:
There will be updates about the tour on this site. This is the group contribution site. When I can I'll up date this site.
Thank you ever so much for your prayers!!!
1:00 a.m. Calgary time


Anonymous said...

Well at least you didn't lose the luggage. I'll have to ask Pastor Laura about that when I see her. It was impossible to sleep when my dad and I flew to Londaon back in '75. Anyways stay safe and take care ok?

Me said...

Glad you made it there safely...still jealous that you're at Daisy's without me!!! Enjoy!

Paul & Carol said...

Glad to hear you arrived safely. I'm off to Women of Faith this am.
Take care.